Critical, vibrant, colourful – our Bone Lab is like Brazilian carnival


Dresden, 23.01.2019

Prof. Paula Goes Dutra and Caio de Santiago Dutra from Brazil enrich our lab!

How did I get to this field of research?

I initiated in this research field following the research line of my former supervisor.

Why did you chose the bone lab?

I chose the bone lab because of my interest on Wnt signaling pathway. I was fascinated by the papers published by Martina Rauner. In addition, I would like to come to Germany, since this country has been an example of investment in research. The University that I work at in Brazil (Federal University of Ceara) holds international cooperation’s and exchange programmes with Germany and specifically the TU Dresden.

What am I doing right now?

I’m here as a visiting researcher doing a sabbatical. I’m establishing here the model of periodontitis on mice, which I have previous experience, in order to open a new research line at Bone Lab, meanwhile I’ve improved by research skills learning new lab methodologies.

Why am I doing what I am doing?

I decided to do this because it is a way to improve my research skills as well as my English skills. It is also an opportunity that the Brazilian government offers to the professors, to go abroad making connections and establishing collaborations in order to improve the Brazilian research making it more international. However, the time here is not only important professionally but also personally.

What is fascinating about my work?

I love the idea that I can contribute somehow to the better understanding of periodontitis – a very important oral disease, and also to understand the role of the amazing immune system on the process of bone loss.